This is the shop

where I’ve been the past few years as I’ve learned to work and live with God and not just dream with Him.  It’s where His plans and promises that He has whispered to my heart get worked out in my day to day life through the building of character.  It has been a place of blood, sweat, and tears. 

But it has also been a place of a growing contentedness.  Where I have had moments of awe as God has brought things back full circle that I had forgotten about or thought were long gone.  It is where my faith has been forced into the open and shown its true colors. 

This is the place where I have received my flying lessons as I prepare to go with Him to places beyond what I can see or even imagine.  It is here that He has restored my hope, transformed me and renewed my mind, brought healing to my heart, and taught me how to rest and trust.

And these are the lessons and stories I want to share with you. 

They are in no particular order and are things that are still being worked out in my life.  So, we are in this process together as we wait, prepare, and trust. 

Welcome to the


Let’s travel back in time for a minute to Spring 2017. 

I was in a big moment of transition, much like the situation I find myself in right now.

Transitions are not exactly comfortable. 

They are often largely out of your control and usually require that you exchange what you know for the unknown.  And that doesn’t always feel like a fair trade in the moment.  It is also where you are likely to feel the most friction between your expectations and your reality.

And that’s exactly where I was in Spring of 2017 as I was finishing my last semester of college.

I had big dreams about what this year would look like and as the year unfolded, it seemed as if it couldn’t have been any more different than what I had hoped for or imagined.  And the sum total of all the small delays and detours was starting to feel like crushing disappointment.  Don’t get me wrong, the year had also been interwoven with beautiful and rich experiences but as the semester was coming to a close, I couldn’t shake the tension I felt within me.  That nagging feeling that I somehow felt further away from my goals and dreams.

Then one day, someone on campus came up to me and without knowing my situation, he said: “Lauren, I know it feels like you’ve been facing setbacks but I think they are really drawbacks.

God has you like an arrow in His quiver and He is drawing you back because He wants to launch you with a certain speed and velocity.”


With that one word my whole perspective shifted.  I was able to pan out and see that the tension was intentional.  It didn’t make the waiting easier but it gave me hope.  And hope is exactly what you need while you’re waiting.  Actually, in the bible the verbs ‘to hope’ and ‘to wait’ are virtually synonymous.  The picture we get in scripture of one of the words for hope is of a rope being stretched tightly until it’s about to snap.

I wish I could tell you that the release came soon after that milestone moment back in 2017.  The truth is, I’m still waiting on that release almost 5 years later.  I don’t know when, but I know it’s coming.  And hope has been my lifeline over these years; it has been the anchor for my soul.

Periodically over the years I would feel a great drawback and feel overwhelmed with the growing tension and then I would remember the promise of the launch to come and it would fill me with hope and anticipation.

In the final days leading up to 2021 I had such a strong sense of hope and excitement and could feel that the release was approaching.  I named 2021 the year of Wonder where I would watch God “wow” me in every way.  Then the new year came and each month I was faced with an opportunity to lay down something dear to me in almost every major area of my life: my friendships, my finances, my dreams for the future.  I faced health scares that shook me up and long periods of nightmares night after night.  By the fall of 2021, I was in the darkest place mentally I had probably ever been in.  My hopes were starting to feel like a disappointing fantasy.  I still trusted in God’s character but I was absolutely exhausted.  Scripture says that hope deferred makes the heart sick and that’s honestly the best way to describe how I felt: I was heartsick.  

But God met me there.  During this time I got an opportunity to visit some friends for a couple weeks in Spain.  I hadn’t been back in four years and it couldn’t have come at a better time.  This was now the third time I found myself in Spain after a difficult season and had an opportunity to rest, heal, and dream again.

While I was there I was presented with an opportunity to return to live.  Something I wasn’t planning on and didn’t see coming.  I was journaling and wrestling with God over the idea because I saw two clear potential paths for my future:  One that I had started to build and was beginning to love and become attached to and another that was full of unknowns and I felt God was leading me towards but my heart didn’t want to hear it.

The next day someone that didn’t know me well at all told me they had something on their heart to share with me.  She said that she saw me walking out of a dry desert and there were two paths before me.  One that looked like it was full of beautiful things and maybe my heart was more drawn to and another that was unknown but had the ability to shape me to fulfill God’s dreams for my life.  And that God wanted me to know that I was free to choose either path and He would be with me.  And that maybe I was having a hard time making a decision because of the weariness of what I had just walked through but that I shouldn’t make the decision just based on what I believed would bring me stability but that God himself wanted to become my stability. 

It felt like 2021, my biggest drawback to date, had brought me to this place. 

I had an opportunity to put my hope in Jesus alone.  Not in my own dreams or visions for the future or even how I expected him to come through for me.  Just in Him.  I felt Him calling me to trust His heart and not to see it through the lens of loss. Though it seemed impossible at one point in time, I had grown to love the life I had built in North Carolina over the past four years of preparation.  To have such cherished time with my family and do ministry together, to fall in love with my community and the people that make it up, and to experience what beautiful things can be built over time.  It felt scary to give that up but I could sense God calling me to trust that I will never lose my roots and that I don’t have to be afraid of that.  I will always be deeply rooted in my land and country and people.  I carry with me rich heritage and intimate experience- it is an integral part of who I am and God was not wanting to take that away from me - it’s why He sent me back in the first place.  He was instead asking that I give it over so that it can be multiplied to reap a harvest I couldn’t even imagine.  God wasn’t taking away my roots or even transplanting me.  He was wanting to take me up and out.

He was restoring my hope and helping me to see that yes, when an arrow is pulled back it becomes increasingly farther away from the target but it also is pulled closer and closer to the heart, To His heart. With every pull back my capacity was being stretched. And I was ready to trust His heart and put all of my hope in Him no matter what it looked like. I had to continue to trust that the tension was intentional and that even though hope deferred had made my heart sick there was still a day that was coming where His promise would be fulfilled and it would become a tree of life.  

  • Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

    but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

  • When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on,

    the delay can be depressing.

    But when at last your dream comes true,

    life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.

  • He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,

    in the shadow of his hand he hid me;

    he made me into a polished arrow

    and concealed me in his quiver.

  • That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.

  • But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!

The longer I’ve been waiting, the more I’ve realized that waiting is built into the very fabric of nature. 

It is in the DNA of creation.

Butterflies for example.

They undergo such a hugely transformational process brought about through a tight space and a lot of time.  And when they break free they are virtually unrecognizable from who they were when they started out.  I’ve wondered if caterpillars instinctively know in the moment that their extremely small living quarters are to their benefit or if their chrysalis feels more like a straightjacket in the moment.

I don’t know that I’ve always been able to identify right away the benefit to my confined spaces.  They usually feel like they do more harm than good.  

I remember this one time in particular when I had an opportunity to be a creative director of something and was full of ideas and excitement about what my team and I would have a chance to create.  Then I had a meeting with my leader where they shared a list of new constraints that were going to be placed on what we were going to be able to do before we even had a chance to start.  Looking back it really wasn’t a big deal but in the moment it felt crushing.  I felt creatively claustrophobic as I realized that many of the things I had imagined creating didn’t seem like they were going to be possible.  It felt like a lack of trust; like I was demoted and the small space meant that they were expecting small results.

After the meeting I went to my supervisor and told him about it as I tried to hold back tears.

And his response was something I wasn’t quite expecting.

“Well, Lauren.  It’s a lot like wine.”


“I know you are ready to pour it all out and you feel like you’re about to burst but with wine, when it hasn’t been poured out, it doesn’t take away from the product; It just makes it that much richer.”

Even though it didn’t feel like it, the tight space was going to work to my benefit.

I lived in Madrid, Spain for 6 months right after college and as the time was drawing to a close I was eager for the next adventure and destination.  So, imagine my surprise when I felt every arrow point back home.  I wasn’t sure why, but I knew that, at least for a season I was being called back to my hometown to put what I had been learning into practice, grow in character, spend time with my family, and serve in my community.  I was going to be there until God said otherwise but I gave myself a deadline of 6 months believing that that would be plenty of time for God to do what He wanted.

I was very wrong.

The months seemed to drag on and my small town seemed to get smaller and smaller. I was growing resentful and bitter of this confined space even though it was something I chose. With every opportunity I was offered I responded first with a disclaimer “I don’t know how long I’m here for but…” Until one day I felt God respond to my little disclaimer with

“Yes, you don’t know how long you’re here but you’re here now so own it.”

And He was right. 

I was living one foot in one foot out and it wasn’t doing me any favors.  I was honestly so afraid of settling.  Of others thinking that I had given up on my dreams.  But I needed to fully commit to the constraints in order for it to shape me in the way that God intended.  It felt painful to give up on my own timeline and the false hope it gave me but it was a simultaneous sigh of relief to trust completely.  My ego needed to get over the apparent “smallness” of my life and learn to measure things differently.  Who cares if it’s seemingly small if it’s really packed with potential.

I was undergoing a transformation in incubation.

If I would let it, a tight space and a lot of time would produce something beautiful within me.

  • That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.

My Grandpa’s favorite song was an old hymn whose lyrics were from Isaiah 40:31:

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up on wings as eagles.  They shall run and not grow weary.  They shall walk and not faint.”  And then it would repeat: “Teach me Lord, Teach me Lord, to wait”

I didn’t know when my grandfather passed away that those words were going to become so precious to me.  They became the soundtrack to my season and a constant reminder of the goal set before me.

One day, I was going to fly.

When I was living in Madrid in the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, I was going through a 5 month school that was almost like an extended spiritual retreat.  Each week brought with it a new form of healing that I had no idea I needed.  They were behaviors or mindsets that I didn’t realize were weighing me down because I was used to the weight.  They didn’t seem to me to be a hindrance because they weren’t keeping me from walking through the day to day of life.  The problem was, I wasn’t made to walk, I was made to fly.  That sounds pretty cliche but the fact of the matter was that what was once serving me just fine was no longer going to serve me where I was going.  It was dead weight.  Week after week I began to feel lighter and lighter by the healing that was taking place in my heart.

The unhurried, unpretentious, unconditional love of God was setting me free.

And with freedom comes a new perspective.

Perspective is so powerful because there is no change in what you see, only in how you see it.  How you see something drastically affects how you respond to it.

An ant and an eagle have a significantly different perspective because of their vantage point.  I don’t know about you but, I’d rather see with the eye of an eagle.

But in order for God to bring a new perspective, one that wasn’t momentary but was there to stay, He was going to have to renew my mind.

And in the process of renewing my mind he was going to have to remove every lie and fear that had kept me on the ground.

This process can sometimes feel like a daunting task- like learning to fly when you’re afraid of heights.

It is an interesting dynamic to know you're called to big things but feel chained to the floor.  I had journals and journals full of big dreams and things I felt I was one day going to get to do and create but it seemed like with every small step I took I was trudging through a knee deep quicksand of toxic thoughts that I couldn’t quite get ahold of.  I would feel stuck and full of fears that I didn’t agree with but seemed to like to have the last word over my life.  These fears were fixated on my “not enoughness”.  “If I lose weight, then I’ll be ready.”  “Things are too busy, I’ll wait for things to calm down.”  Excuses rooted in fear that kept me grounded. Wanting to fly but so afraid I will fall.

And it’s not that I didn’t trust God per se.

I didn’t trust myself. 

I knew He was able but my focus was still on my ability or lack thereof.

I was wholly consumed with my weaknesses and fears that seemed to keep me from seeing past the ground.

There is a quote I love in the movie The Shack.  It says: "Birds are created to fly. You, on the other hand, were created to be loved. Living unloved is like clipping a bird’s wings. … This is why you’re here, Mackenzie. This is your flying lesson."

I had had glimpses of freedom before- of what it looks and feels like to live without fear, but now it was time to learn to truly soar and leave every fear behind for good.  And the love of God was going to become my greatest teacher.

I used to think I needed to fight against fears in order to overcome them but with every attempt I would feel weak and discouraged.  I began to realize that every victory I have had over fear has not been by fighting against it but instead by leaning into love.  Unclenching my fists and resting in the reality of His love for me.  With every deeper revelation I have of His love the more I realize that I have nothing to fear.  Fear loses its grip on me as I settle into His perfect love.  Fear will always demand a reaction but my response is to realign my gaze and rest.  The battle belongs to the Lord.  

The more I grow the more I realize that rest and faith are synonymous.  Understanding the reality of Jesus and what He came to do continually releases in me a profound sense of rest and shalom: peace and wholeness.  In that place my striving can cease because He has carried my every burden and finished the work that I could not.  And my response to who He has revealed himself to be is to rest in Him.  My rest is my work.  It is my active belief in the completeness of who He is and what He has done for me.  I can lean my full weight into Him because He is all sufficient for my every need.  

Flashback for a second to the school in Madrid.

One day we had a guest speaker that showed a short video.  It was a series of clips of all of these dads with their daughters. There was about a 2 second clip in that video that has always stuck with me.  It was of a Dad and daughter snowboarding.  The dad was zipping down the mountain and he was holding his daughter up as she was stretched out as if she was flying.  The look of sheer joy on their faces has been etched in my memory.  I haven’t seen a more clear picture of what it looks like to truly fly with God- to let go and trust completely as you’re held by Him.

I began to notice that when eagles fly, they do not strive. 

They are not doing anything that they weren’t created for.  They partner with the wind and both the wind and the wings operate in the order in which they were created.  The eagle does not do the wind’s job.  Its wingspan was made to catch the wind and be carried.  But for an eagle to fly, it doesn’t just need to trust in the wind but also in its wings. In order for an eagle to partner with the wind, it needs to do what it was made for and trust that the way it was made is enough.  It will do what it was designed to do.  It will fly not because of its wings alone but because of the unseen- the magic of wings hitting wind.

And that is what fear keeps you from seeing- the unseen.  It causes you to see possibilities without God’s power.  Fear leads you to believe that it’s all about you and your own strength when that couldn’t be further from the truth.  

There is a way of life that can be completely free of every ounce of striving that is marked by the pace of grace.  There is a love that sees past the smoke and mirrors that fear conjures up.  A love that parts the clouds and removes the weight.  A love that lifts you higher than you ever thought you could go.  A love that feels a lot like flying.

  • But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

    They will soar high on wings like eagles.

    They will run and not grow weary.

    They will walk and not faint.

  • but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

    they shall run and not be weary;

    they shall walk and not faint.

  • “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I have three drawings in my journal from a few years ago: Jacob’s ladder, a tree of life, and an arrow that’s shot up and somehow its trajectory wraps around the whole world. All three pictures are of the same concept: The Ascent, the “up and out” that is coming.

And I believe that to be true not just for me but for you, too. I may not know the entirety of your story or what you’ve had to walk through while you wait but I can tell you that all that you’ve endured is going to be well worth it. I believe you’re being prepared for things that no eye has even seen yet. That your capacity has been stretched beyond measure because your influence will one day stretch around the globe. I believe that whatever you feel has been lost or stolen from you in the waiting will be restored back to you ten times over. And I believe that whatever you have sown with tears, you will reap with shouts of joy.

There is new life coming.

New dreams. New strength. New wind.

  • Behold, I am doing a new thing;

    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

    I will make a way in the wilderness

    and rivers in the desert.

  • Can you not discern this new day of destiny

    breaking forth around you?

    The early signs of my purposes and plans

    are bursting forth.[u]

    The budding vines of new life

    are now blooming everywhere.

    The fragrance of their flowers whispers,

    “There is change in the air.”

    Arise, my love, my beautiful companion,

    and run with me to the higher place.

    For now is the time to arise and come away with me.

  • “Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed.

    For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.